EUPHA Health and Care Workforce Section

Mid-term Conference

20-21 March 2025

EUPHA HWR section is delighted to announce its midterm Conference ‘Responding to challenges in health and care workforce: innovative  research, policies and practices ’, which will be held on 20-21 March 2025, in collaboration with the WHO Regional Office for Europe/Programme on Human Resources for Health, the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and the Portuguese Institute of  Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (IHMT) – WHO Collaborating Center on Health Workforce  Policy and Planning (Lisbon, Portugal).

Responding to challenges in health and care workforce: innovative research, policies and practices

The health and care workforce stands at a pivotal crossroads, facing mounting global and  European challenges intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic. Persistent workforce shortages,  maldistribution, and inequities continue to strain health systems, while health professionals  grapple with rising levels of stress, burnout, and workplace violence. 

This mid-term conference seeks to catalyze innovative research, policy discussions, and  practical solutions to address these critical issues. Key focus areas include strategies to  manage workforce migration, enhance mental health and well-being, promote inclusion,  and address recruitment and retention challenges. Join us in shaping the future of a resilient and sustainable health and care workforce, including, but not limited to, doctors, nurses,  midwives, occupational therapists, public health professionals, social workers, pharmacists,  dentists, and mental health professionals.

The themes will explore new research findings and evidence, policy reflections and  applications, action plans, and insights from implementation science, addressing critical  aspects of the health and care workforce, including:  

  • Innovative workforce governance solutions. 
  • Strategies to ensure equity, inclusion, and mental well-being. 
  • Policies focused on training, recruitment and retention of the health and care  workforce. 
  • Ideas that address health and care planning, forecasting and regulation. 
  • Action plans that speak to migration-related challenges. 
  • Digital health and artificial intelligence (AI) approaches. 

This event is jointly organized by the EUPHA and Health and Care Workforce Section, in collaboration  with the WHO Regional Office for Europe/Programme on Human Resources for Health, the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and the Portuguese Institute of  Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (IHMT) – WHO Collaborating Center on Health Workforce  Policy and Planning (Lisbon, Portugal). It aims to foster knowledge exchange and policy  dialogue between researchers, policymakers, and practitioners across Europe and beyond. 

This event will be hosted by the Health Services Management Training Centre, Semmelweis  University – WHO Collaborating Centre on Human Resources for Health Development and  Data-driven Health in Budapest, Hungary.

By integrating oral and poster presentations with policy dialogues and expert panels, the  conference will facilitate the exchange of innovative and sustainable solutions to shape the  future health and care workforce.

Practical information

  • Call for abstracts: Abstract submissions open on December 6, 2024, and will close on January 13, 2025

  • Participation fee: 30 EUR

  • Travel and accommodation: Participants cover their own costs. Budapest is well connected to major European cities and offers a wide range of affordable  accommodation options.

  • Registration details: Information will be available on the conference website in January 2025.

Join us in Budapest! 

Known for its stunning architecture, vibrant culture, and historical significance, Budapest  provides the perfect setting for our mid-term conference. Don’t miss this unique  opportunity to contribute to shaping innovative solutions for the health and care workforce.

Please sign up for the EUPHA-HWR section ( to receive the quarterly newsletter and updates; it is open to everybody interested in healthcare workforce research and practice and is free of charge.