Frequently asked questions

Are there any costs attached to the registration?
Yes, the participation fee for this conference is 30 Euros. Nonetheless, please do not forget to register for participation. 

Can I submit my abstract to be considered for the conference?
Yes, via the abstract submission form until the 13th of January 2025.

My paper has been selected for the conference, do the presentations that are submitted to you have to match the final presentations?

What are the requirements for the presentation?
The presentation has to be a PDF or PPT file and no larger than 5MB. 

Will I receive an attendance certificate?
Yes, after you register and attend the conference. A registration link will be provided after the evaluation of abstracts.

All the authors of the accepted abstracts need to register?
Only the submitter of the abstract has to register. If the other authors want to attend the conference, they are more than welcome to register. 

Do I have to come to Budapest for the conference?
Yes, at least one of the authors must register and be present during the conference.

What are the costs of the conference?
The participation fee for this conference is 30 Euros. Also, participants need to cover for their own travel and accommodation costs.

How can I become part of the EUPHA section Health Workforce Research?
You can sign up to become a member of the section here